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Shoplifting becomes a topic of conversation often in a retail store. We think we have something in inventory because our computer data says we do, but when we are looking for it to fill a customer order we may find we do not have what we thought. Most times this is because someone stole it! Horrifying. I often say, it is even more annoying because “I don’t sell anything that anyone needs. They might want it, but they don’t need it”. Of course, I am referring to that they are not stealing milk to feed the baby back home, or toast so the little one can have a sandwich or toast. Even though not milk or bread, I have decided I will not say that anymore. The longer I am in the art world, the more I think people do need art to complete their lives, to help them cope, to express themselves, to help them heal, to engage with other creative beings and as many other reasons as there are people. Here are what some well-known folks have to say: “Variety of form and brilliancy of color in the object presented to patients are an actual means of recovery.” ~ Florence Nightingale “Art making has the ability to move people along their journey of grief and loss into a more balanced place of healing and hope. In the face of tragedy, the creative process can help re-calibrate a mourner’s life.” ~ The Chandler Gallery at Maud Morgan Arts “If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him… We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth.” ~ John F. Kennedy The Emerald Green Healing Portal by Jaentra Green Gardener. Jaentra has a series title “Healing Arts”. To see more, click here: http://jaentragreengardener.com/gallery-of-stained-glass-windows/ I am convinced that art is needed but really does not need to be stolen!
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I guess it is obvious that our logo includes the Fibonacci spiral. Fibonacci was a person, an Italia mathematician in the late 11th and 12th century. In addition to other mathematical achievements, he is given credit for the Fibonacci Sequence. The Sequence is where each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 (and so on)

It may not seem obvious, but there is a strong connection between this sequence and artwork composition. If you look at our logo and visualize each square as a number that increases in size the same as the sequence you have the Fibonacci Spiral. (or our logo). Another connection is what is called the Golden Ratio or the Divine Ratio. Two quantities whose ratio is the same as the sum of the total to the larger ratio. (does your head hurt?) Just think of it as the Rule of Thirds. It is a way of balancing the composition of a picture. Nicer than just centering something. These pictures come from markmitchellpaintings.com
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Award Made From SGE Glass

Olympia with award made from SGE glass
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Are You In Business?

Stained Glass Express has Three Business Discount Levels.

The Jewel Level: You turn in proof that you are a professional in the art glass industry. This can be that you are a member of an art glass guild that we can see on line. It can be that you have a yellow page ad or your work is in galleries. Or you can show us invoices where you have purchased from wholesalers. This level gives you 15% off product that is not already discounted. If you purchase $500 during the year you maintain your discount level. If you buy $700 or more, you move up to the next level.

The Crystal Level: You become a Crystal level customer by turning in a retailer certificate or by moving up from the Jewel level. This does not make you tax exampt with us but it means you are turning in sales tax information to the State of Maine. (on line customers from other States, let us know what the equivalent is) The Crystal level gives you a 20% discount at Stained Glass Express. If at the end of the year you have purchased $700 at SGE you maintain your discount level for the next year. If you do not, you go to the jewel level or lose it. If you purchase $900 during the year you move to the Diamond Level.

The Diamond Level: You become a Diamond level customer by turning in a resale certificate or by moving up from the Crystal Level. (again on line out of State people, tell us your State's equivalent) This level gives you a 30% discount. If you purchase $900 during the year you maintain your Diamond Level. If you purcahse less than $900 but more than $700 you become a Crystal Level. Less than $700 but more than $500 you become a Jewel Level. Less than $500 there are no discounts other than sales.

These levels are evaluated each January. If you joined a level during the year you have until the January of the next full year. Sales are counted January to December. The amount is figured on the net amount of your sale not the retail.

Please be sure you let the sales person know you are in our database that they they will put he sale with your name and your sales get counted toward your discount level.

If you are an on line customer, unfortunately we have not figured out how to make our on line software do this yet. However, we would program into our Point of Sale Software and when we check you out, the discount is automatically given.

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