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Shoplifting becomes a topic of conversation often in a retail store. We think we have something in inventory because our computer data says we do, but when we are looking for it to fill a customer order we may find we do not have what we thought. Most times this is because someone stole it! Horrifying. I often say, it is even more annoying because “I don’t sell anything that anyone needs. They might want it, but they don’t need it”. Of course, I am referring to that they are not stealing milk to feed the baby back home, or toast so the little one can have a sandwich or toast. Even though not milk or bread, I have decided I will not say that anymore. The longer I am in the art world, the more I think people do need art to complete their lives, to help them cope, to express themselves, to help them heal, to engage with other creative beings and as many other reasons as there are people. Here are what some well-known folks have to say: “Variety of form and brilliancy of color in the object presented to patients are an actual means of recovery.” ~ Florence Nightingale “Art making has the ability to move people along their journey of grief and loss into a more balanced place of healing and hope. In the face of tragedy, the creative process can help re-calibrate a mourner’s life.” ~ The Chandler Gallery at Maud Morgan Arts “If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him… We must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda; it is a form of truth.” ~ John F. Kennedy The Emerald Green Healing Portal by Jaentra Green Gardener. Jaentra has a series title “Healing Arts”. To see more, click here: http://jaentragreengardener.com/gallery-of-stained-glass-windows/ I am convinced that art is needed but really does not need to be stolen!