Foils.. why so many?
We often see people just standing in front of our foil display looking overwhelmed! Here is a picture of our display just so you can see how overwhelming it is!
The first variable is width. Sizes: 5/32, 7/32, 5/16, 3/16, ¼. 1/2. If you want a very thin solder line, you use thinner foil. If you need strength or you like a heavier line, use wider foil.
Next is thickness. It is measured in millimeters. It is how thick the foil is. It might be as thin as 1 mil go to 1.25 or 1.5.
Next is the backing. There is copper, black and silver. This is important depending on the transparency of the glass and if you are using patina. Let’s say you are making a piece in all clear glass, and you plan to not patina it. You should use silver backed foil so the solder line is silver looking on the exterior and because you can see into the glass, it will look silver on the inside. If you use copper, it just jumps out and ruins the piece. If you were using clear and going to patina it black, use black backed. If you are going to patina, it copper, you can use the regular copper foil that is copper on the outside and the sticky side. There is also a foil that is called silvered. It is silver on the outside and the inside. Often used when doing suncatchers and eliminates the need to solder the outer edge.
this image shows the front and the back as well as foil soldered and patinaed. Thank you Red Veilleux for making this for us.
There are also sheets of copper so that you can cut for overlays or have it wide. It also has a sticky side.
Use this link to see our full line of foils.