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I totally learned something this week. We always think that we know compatible glass by its COE. I really thought that when Bullseye started saying Bullseye compatible they were really trying to brand themselves and set themselves apart. Now Oceanside is doing the same. I read a very interesting article that was written by Daniel W. Schwoerer from Bullseye Glass. It is Bullseye Technotes #3. If you would like to read the entire article, click here: https://www.bullseyeglass.com/images/stories/bullseye/PDF/TechNotes/technotes_03.pdf To summarize, the article says that you really must take more than coe into consideration when deciding if glass is compatible. Mr. Schwoerer says you should also consider viscosity. COE would be how much the glass expands when being heated and how much it contracts when cooling. The viscosity would be the thickness. A high viscosity glass when melting would flow slower. The article does say how to test. I guess if you were doing a large piece and mixing glass (manufacturers) it may be important to do it. So the question is can you put 90 dichroic with Bullseye glass? It is small generally, probably not a lot of expansion and contraction and not a lot of viscosity flow. It is safe to put Wissmach with Youghiogheny or Uroboros or Spectrum. Goodness knows we have and we have done it successfully. However, now and then we hear “my piece cracked for no reason”. Well maybe now we know the reason?