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Glass Backsplash

Glass Backsplash

Uroboros 60541 cobalt blue with sky blue, cobalt blue rondels and cobalt blue Dalle glass smashed up! Artist is Jane Burke. Note glass countertop. Spandrel glass! Beautiful. jane2

The artist is Jane Burke, also beautiful!


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Artist Spotlight: Mary Harris

Artist Spotlight: Mary Harris

Mary Harris is an artist from Wisconsin. She has a studio called Harris Art Glass. Mary came to my attention once before when she was winner in the Gallery of Excellence Art Competition at the Glass and Bead Show. This year she was a double winner in the same competition at the 2023 Glass and Bead Show. Below are her two winning entries.

Tree of Life

1st place popular vote

Professional Stained Glass

Under the Cherry Tree

1st place popular vote

Professional Mosaic

Below is a link to Mary’s website where you can see more of her amazing work. Portfolio | Harris Art Glass Glass Craft & Bead Expo | Las Vegas | Welcome! (glasscraftexpo.com) This is the link where you can go and see the other amazing entries in the Gallery of Excellence. Once you click on it go to the top and click on Gallery of Excellence. Red letters in the white bar.
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No Bad Luck Here!

No Bad Luck Here!

BROKEN MIRROR!!? Don’t think of it as seven years bad luck, think of it as an opportunity to be creative. If you are worried about the seven years of bad luck you can bury a piece in the garden and that will stop it. (so I have heard). Here are some ideas for broken mirrors, most of which I got from Fusing 101: Any and Everything You Wanted to know but Were Afraid to Ask. This from Jane Wimbury. How sweet is that! Another idea is to get Styrofoam balls and make garden balls. Or use an old bowling ball: Frame the irregular shapes for eclectic mirrors: Just put it back together roughly for a high interest look. Many of these ideas from dyi. I can see this done with wine corks, as well! Try your own designs - Good Luck!
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