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Amazing Projects From Friends Night Out

Friends Night Out Frit Plaque
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slumping bottles

Have no fear if you do not have a kiln, you can rent space in our kiln. Step 1. Drink the wine! No problem with that step right? Step 2. Make sure the bottle is clean and dry inside and out. Step 3. Apply Spray A to the side of the bottle that will facing up in the kiln. Be sure there is no spray A on the bottom as it won't brun off against the shelf. Spray A is very finly ground glass suspended in a medium that burns off clean. It not only helps prevent devitrification (a scummy layer that can appear on the glass after it is fired), it will also help to keep any painted labels that may be on the bottle from burning off during the firing process. Step 4. Use a kiln shelf that has been coated with kiln wash or covered with fiber paper. Leave enough room around each bottle to accommodate the spread as the bottles flatten out. Step 5. Kilns are different, so make adjustments as necessary for you kiln. 300 dph (degrees per hour) to 1100, then soak for 30 minutes (this allows the glass, shelf and air to reach equal temperatures) 400 dph to 1450 soak for 10 minutes or until the bottle is flat.. (take a peek) Step 6. Cool AFAP (as fast as possible) to 1050 d. We don't suggest you open the lid because of the potential to thermal shock the glass. If your kiln doesn't have a controller, turn the power off until the temperature reaches 1050. Cooling quickly through the 1200 to 1350 range also helps to emininate devitrification. Step 7. Hold at 1050 for 1 hour and then cool 100 dph to 400. the annealing temperature for bottles is somewhere between 1050-850 so you want to go slowly through this range. That's it. . . you have made a great gift! Add a cheese know tied with a piece of raffia to really kick it up! You can also paint with glass paint, use decals, sandblast designs--use your imagination! We will slump your bottle for you for $10. You must have it all prepared.
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Pricing Equation to Start a Home Based Craft Business

Hello Folks! Here is a little bit of information for those interested in starting a home based craft business.Here is a pricing equation that might help you get started. Materials + Overhead + Labor + Profit = Price Direct Costs: The direct costs associated with the manufacture of any craft include money spent for raw materials and finishing products as well as for any directly related services. Overhead: These costs are rent, utilities, office supplies, depreciation, etc. It is figured as 1/3 of materials or 1/3 of labor whichever is higher. Labor: To figure cost of your labor, find out what it would cost in your locale to hire others to perform identical or similar tasks. For example, when you are working as a manager, then your hourly wage should be manager wage. If you are doing general work like cutting, grinding, etc, your hourly wage should be as non-skilled labor. Profit: Your business profit should be the same as any retail business. Most galleries and stores will mark up your wholesale price by 100%. Therefore, you should mark up your product by 100% before you offer it for wholesale. Example: Materials and Firings: $25.00 Labor: $14.00 Overhead: $ 8.34 (33.3% of $25.00) Cost to Manufacture Product: $47.40 Profit $47.40 (cost to manufacture product x 2) Price of Product: $94.80 The price you come up with for your product is the starting point for actually setting your price. You will now need to consider if the product is something you will be retailing yourself or wholesaling. You must now think about what the market will bear and if you are in the right market for your product and price points. If you have any other questions, let us know! SGE
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