GLASS MANUFACTURERS - Now That the Dust Has Settled
This is not a complete list.. It does not include the rod manufacturers and overseas. These are our major supplies at this point in time.
Since May of 2016 it has been a roller coaster ride in the art glass industry. It really does seem that the dust has settled, and this is what we have now.
Kokomo Opalescent Glass. There are in Kokomo, Indiana have been operating since 1888. They are the oldest. They use some of the same recipes that are over 128 years old. They are a great source for doing reproduction work.
This is a picture of their 12 pot circular furnace. It is a down draft.
The Paul Wissmach Glass Co. Located in Paden City, West Virginia. They have been operating since 1904, making them the second oldest and therefore also a great resource when trying to match old glass. They use 12 furnaces. They do art glass, temperable glass, fusible glass.
Youghiogheny Opalescent Glass Company, Inc. Located in Connellsville, Pennsylvania. They have been operating since 1977. Truly an art glass manufacturer but has also a wonderful line of fusing glass. Amazing color artistry. They have recently added a textured streakies line and Dichroic glass line.

Bullseye Glass Co. Located in Portland Oregon since 1974. They focus on fusible glass, collaborating with artist and teaching. They produce extremely rich colors.

Oceanside Glass & Tile. Started in 1992. They are located in Baja, California, but production is in Tijuana, Mexico. Their focus was glass tiles and then added the Spectrum Glass and Uroboros Glass lines in 2016 when both Spectrum and Uroboros announced they were closing. Oceanside had been buying glass from Spectrum for the tiles. They are not at 100% production yet, but they are manufacturing lots of fusible glass and frits. They will add the rest of the accessory glass this year.
Pilkington. Various locations and known more for commercial applications. However, they produce many clear textures.
Imports. We are seeing a lot of clear textures from other countries.